let's start with the basics.

let's start with the basics.

The garment doesn't negatively affect the environment.

Garments designed with the wearer's ability to use it across multiple seasons. By increasing our clothing's longevity, we make a positive environmental impact.

Garments made by workers who are compensated with ethical pay, treated fairly, and are provided safe, clean working conditions. This extends to the impact the manufacturing company has on its local community.

A phrase used to describe literally all of the above. Sustainable fashion is an all-encompassing word focused on creating better trends that don't rely on polluting the environment, wasting resources, or taking advantage of impoverished communities to fulfill supply chains.


slow fashion

Ethical fashion

sustainable fashion

let's look at some facts

60 billion squarE mEtErs of fabric arE lEft on thE cutting room floor (and go in thE trash)

It takes 713 gallons to make a single t-shirt

ThE fashion industry accounts for 8% of thE world's grEEnhousE gas Emissions, making it thE third
highEst-polluting industry in thE world.

2,000 uniquE chEmicals arE usEd to procEss clothing tExtilEs, but of thosE, only 16 arE approvEd for usE by thE EPa.

*Source: greenpeace.org