If you landed here because you're wondering if having a sewing business is profitable, I'm here to emphatically tell you,

In 2017 I built my sewing company on a home sewing machine and a $30 craigslist desk, and after making every mistake possible, I can honestly say...

I think I've cracked the code.  I didn't have a business plan, an investor, or a fancy sewing studio - just a lot of heart and grit and a desire to work for myself. I inevitably figured out how to have six-figure (and multi six-figure) years, what works for my lifestyle, and the company culture I wanted to have.

Whether self-employment life is for you, and you want to be a one-woman (or man) show, or you aspire to launch and grow a company like I did, these resources are here to cheer you on towards your goals, and are tested and approved for both product-based and service-based sewing businesses.

dive on in!


peaceful, productive, and busy...

sounds like the hot girl version of whatever it is you're doing now.

Want the body measurement sheet I use for making clothes for rockstars?


grab the freebie

Because 'Work more' isn't a real strategy.

My exact steps for

get the formula

pricing craft-based work

How to

read up

plan your sewing projects


Let's talk

Would you play an entire game of chess with just a pawn? Of course not!

Save time by marketing your
handmade business like a chess player.

up your marketing game

How to build

and get control of your product

 your own supply chain

Everything that ever goes wrong... 

comes down to not building a scalable supply chain.

click to lEarn

3 Mistakes

When Marketing Their Handmade Products

seamstresses make

read me

How taming a wild horse taught me to lead a team


Hint: Strong-arming is rarely ever the answer.

light reading