Learning how to design a clothing line is hard

I've walked countless new designers through the process of bringing their collection into the world. In the process, I've spotted everything from secret workflows and wholesale hacks to solving common pain points.

Instead of locking those details behind a paywall for a monthly fee, I'd rather let those little lessons live here, so you can turn all those years of lessons learned and skip straight to taking action.

You in?

My inbox gets these questions every week, from hopeful creatives who want to know the best way to start a clothing line, how to begin, the cost involved, the value of fashion school, and the affordability of starting a clothing brand from home.

Whether you dream of creating your own fashion empire or simply want to express your creativity through clothing, establishing a successful clothing line requires careful planning, determination, and a solid understanding of the industry. 

How to start

read up

your own fashion line

How to build

and get control of your product

 your own supply chain

Everything that ever goes wrong... 

comes down to not building a scalable supply chain.

click to lEarn

 build a tech pack

rEad on

Let me guess... You're probably here because someone working in fashion asked you to send over your tech pack.

And your gut response was... "what's a tech pack?"


And you panicked, because you immediately thought...

Why you should

before hiring anyone

6 Questions to

find your unicorn

Getting great product made takes more than just sending a sample & your tech pack and asking for an in-hand date!

 Let's take a peek behind the curtain shall we?

 find a Manufacturer

your clothing label isn't selling

truth bomb

The most common painpoint always points back to the friction they experience in getting the right customers in the door. 

They’re making a great product, but things just aren’t clicking with the sales numbers. Everyone can relate (as they repeat the same behaviors), and oftentimes they even learn bad branding/marketing behaviors from each other.

They all experience the same pain, and band together to form a well-tailored echo chamber, but fail to realize in doing so that it causes them to go blind to simple mistakes branding->marketing mistakes they’re making.

So what’s the mistake?

The Real Reasons

13 Critical Elements

before launching their clothing line

fashion designers forget

Picture this. After months of ideation, sampling, and manufacturing, your meticulously crafted designs very well could end up staring at you from your dining room, gathering dust on each box. Then?
Your vision fades into obscurity, earmarked only by the unsold product - now, a burden.

I would never wish that on anyone. But, armed with the right strategy, you can ensure a champagne-popping launch... AND set yourself up for success in the competitive world of fashion long-term. 

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